Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Shhhh....it's a surprise.

We are heading to Disneyland for a long weekend. Wish me luck with 4 kids in the car for a realllly long time. Thank God for headphones!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

High School all over again....

My daughter attends kindergarten at our neighborhood school. A school that my eldest attended for 7 years(preschool included). So, it is safe to say that I am comfortable there and that most of the office staff and teachers know me. With my oldest I was VP of the PTO and could really help out whenever I was needed until my kindergartener was born. I still helped out, but not as much. Then when my 3rd was born, I helped even less and here we are with the baby.....and I have been able to help out maybe once this year. BUT, I am there every day to drop off and pick up my 3rd from preschool and my 4th from kinder. So, how come parents who have known me for the past 7 years CANNOT say hello or do so just barely....WTF? If a stranger passing by says "Hello" to me, I answer. So, what is the deal that the mother who I have had a birthday parties, field trip rides, and playdates with their child cannot summon up any type of greeting? It's not just me, or is it?

***DISCLAIMER.....I take no responsibility for any posts I make for the next 7 days.....rational or irrational. PMS made me do it.(what I would do for a candy bar right now.....)