Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Curse you!

Chick-fil-a and your original chicken sandwich.....why do you have to be so, so....tasty!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I wish it were noticeable.

Found in the draft folder.......

Just once in awhile, I wish it were obvious that my oldest has autism. That when someone looked at him they would know and give him the compassion & understanding that he deserves. Now, I know that I am blessed that he has high-functioning autism. He is able to speak and do so many things that other children with autism can't typically do. For that, we are truly blessed. But it is an equally hard diagnosis because he looks so typical.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Was it really a smart decision to diet right before the holidays? Nope, but I am doing it. Struggling, but doing it. I am down 17 lbs and I don't think many people really notice. I am proud of it, but wonder how did I get here? I have always on the thin side, never really had to worry about my weight and then, when the kids starting know the cycle. Gain a bunch of weight while pregnant, lose all but 10 kid, lose all but 15 pounds, and so on. Til you get to a point where you are 5o lbs overweight. tomorrow will be a true test.....all that candy in the house when I am being careful, along with my "friend" arriving any day should prove interesting in the restraint area...wish me luck.

Oh yeah and being addicted to Pepsi doesn't help!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Enough already. I can't take much more of it. I need to vent about

*the sil who only cares about herself.
*the mil who has become so anal that I can't even bear to be around her..
*the same mil who only invites me over to clean her house.
*the same sil who STILL has not invited us or at least her only brother to her house since they moved here a year ago.
*my mother who is so infuriating that I want to scream. Head games are forever going on with her. One day she is trying to have a somewhat normal(whatever that really means) mother/daughter relationship and the next she has a huge brick wall wedged between us. I don't get it.
*my father who doesn't care one way or another what is going on in our lives. Just keep those Sunday visits to a total of 20 minutes and all is right in the world.
*my bil of the same sil who does not offer to help his mil do ANYTHING.
*my grandmother who doesn't call and then when you do, she lets you know that she hasn't talked to anyone in 4 days. Talk about a guilt trip. She is capable of driving, she goes to a women's group at church, she plays cards with a group of women. She can come visit us. UGH!
*my other grandmother who lives on the other side of the country, who won't tell you when she is ill and you have to find out from other family relatives cause she is so stubborn.
*my neighbor across the street asking to borrow $20 and then calls you to tell you that she hasn't forgotten about me, but can she borrow $20 more. I turn her down and a week later she calls to say that she has my cash, but when I sent over my son to get it...she tells him all she has is a check and I need to take her to cash it???? That was a month ago. She borrowed money from each of the neighbors, about $120 all together. Stupid girl. Does she think I don't know why she keeps asking for more in $20 increments? Can you guess what it probably was for? How sad. Now, if she really needs help for something one will help her. And she never paid anyone back. Pisses me off.
*the little girls at my daughter's school. The 1st day of school, they let her know that they can only have 6 best friends and she was number 7. They can still be friends, but she won't ever be there best friend. What the hell? Like starting a new grade isn't hard enough, but to be told that on her first day, that just sucked. It makes me sick that these little girls are already learning to be so cruel to someone.
*if you are in the store and an adorable 2 year old says hello to it really so hard to say hello back? Really? Okay what if you are in a store and an unattractive 2 year old says hello to it really so hard to say hello back? The rudeness is really getting to me people!

THANks for letting me vent. It may seem trivial, but to me it is driving me crazy. So thanks for listening pink apt neighbors!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What I have always wanted.....

An open package of switchplates, a used crystal christmas plate and a garlic press you were going to put in goodwill. Yep, that's what I was asking Santa for this year. Sorry about the dripping sarcasm, but really? I have spent about 10 days at your home cleaning it, decluttering it, and trying to make it easier for you to get around and you want to give me all the stuff that was going into the trash or goodwill to me for Christmas? Am I missing something?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

What do you say?

When your sil repeatedly tells you to save all of your daughters clothing for the baby that they MIGHT be adopting/filling out paperwork for. She has been saying this since my 5 year old was born. What am I your personal storage facility...just in case you have a child? I did save my 1st daughter's clothes because

1. She grew out of them so fast, they were all new or only worn once and I couldn't part with them.

2. In case we had another girl...which we did and am I happy I kept all that stuff!

3. And of course, cause some of the clothes I just couldn't part with.....all the memories.

In no way, was I ever thinking of saving the clothes for her & her baby.

(Of course I will spoil the baby rotten if my sil will let me...cause it isn't the baby's fault we have drama!)

Reasons being

1. Every first time mother wants all new clothes or slightly used clothes for their new baby, not clothes that have gone through 2 babies.

2. She has been such a cold bitch(yeah, I went there....omg I am taking quotes from Hannah Montana...somebody slap me) to me, my husband and our children under the guise of being"just so busy".

3. She NEVER EVER buys my children anything unless it is their birthday or Christmas. So, why am I going to save everything we have ever had to give to her? Can you imagine. I always dreamed that when I was an aunt I would take them on surprise outings, leave fun trinkets for them to find from me....just fun stuff, but she doesn't.

4. When we were pregnant with my inlaws 1st grandchild, she tells my mil that the stroller is an expensive enough gift for us. Of course, my mil listened...but still. It's okay to tell her mother she needs an ice cream attachment to her kitchen-aid that runs over $100, but for heaven's sake don't spend $150 or more on a stroller for your FIRST GRANDCHILD! Don't even get me started on that she put her name on the card and never...never paid for a portion of it.

5. Oh, the list could go on and on.

What do you think? Am I being petty? There is so much of a back story that it is hard to convey how much I dislike her. She is selfish, conceited, and ignorant and drives me crazy and that is all going to get worse once(if) she adopts.....ugh.

Thanks for letting me being her matron of honor w/my husband as the best man with a month notice is another story for another day.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hey, we all need a break right?

I actually sent all 4 of my kids to their rooms for a nap. Yep, even the 13 year old. I can only take so much bickering! Now, to be fair, I really only wanted the baby to nap and the others play quietly in their room. Of course, they all hate me....hating me in their dreams. ALL 4 are asleep. I can't quite believe my good fortune. I know it will only last 20 minutes or so, but so nice and peaceful. I can listen to my ipod.. I Kissed a girl rocks...I love it! Shake it by Metro Station....reminds me of the killers & the cure. And my Pork & Beans from Weezer.

Oh yeah, am I the only one who loves Kelly from youtube Shoes fame? I can't get enough of his skits...there is a new one I wanted to add here, but kept having a problem with blogger. It's called No Booty Calls....HYSTERICAL! I think it is anyhow. Check it out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sweet with a side of sour...

My mil was so nice to ride along with me while I picked up my eldest from camp today. She stayed in the car with the other 3 while I went inside to sign him out....dragging them all in is such a hassle(sometimes all 3 are asleep!). The convo was good until my sil was brought into it.As she always is because she is the center of the universe, well my mil's universe anyway. So, she starts talking about how busy my sil is, etc. Then she drops this one on me. Sil has it hard, she has to work all day long and come home and take care of 4 dogs. 4 dogs is alot harder than 4 children. You have to clean their bed everyday, clean their bowls, feed them, bathe them and walk them. I wanted to seriously hurt the woman.

Now before anyone gets all mad at me, let me explain that I do love animals...especially dogs. I have never had 4 dogs at once and i know alot of people treat their animals as though they are their children. That is fine. I see nothing wrong with it. Do you think I am wrong to be hurt by her words? I don't complain often to them about my everyday life at home with the kids(that is why I am so glad I was directed here...thank you Constance14k) and when they have pity on me when the kids are acting a little crazy in front of them I throw it off with a "oh, you know kids". I don't tell them that there are days that I have to give myself time-outs, that the screaming, bickering, fighting and general loud playing is doing me in....I just don't want their sad is so syrupy and fake and makes me feel like I am such a pathetic soul.

Okay this is going in so many different directions, I don't even know what my point was. What do you think about her comment? Was I reading too much into it? It hurt as though....anyone can be a mother, but to take on 4 dogs...well that is just miraculous.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Are you joking?

If you are driving a black Honda Odyssey that looks about the same year as mine....are you really revving your engine to race me? Do you think yours has more pick-up? Do you realize how pathetic that really is? Especially since you are like all of 22 years old and I am a 35 year old mother of FOUR children that are in the said van?

Ha, we had a good laugh at your expense. Sure you get alot of dates with those cool moves.

Monday, June 16, 2008

A list of recent grievances

I have to get some of this off my chest or I may explode.

My mil gave my bil a father's day card with money in it and I can't get over it. Why? He has NO children.......she gave her only son(father of her only 4 grandchildren)a card with the same amount in it. I really don't care about the amount of money or card, I mean some parents don't even give their children Father's day or Mother's day cards, BUT doesn't my husband get(DESERVE) the recognition on this day? My bil recently graduated from a law enforcement agency. Did my husband get a card and gift because although he has have never done it, he has always dreamt of being a sheriff? I mean, I think it is ridiculous.

We went to visit my fil's grave on Father's Day. We brought flowers and the kids drew some cute cards for "papa". Besides my sil making it all about her, she had the nerve to....thank me for coming. to thank her BROTHER for coming to his own father's grave. to thank her father's GRANDCHILDREN for coming. It was insulting.

My mother gives my husband a son-in-law card. Nice. With a coupon in it for babysitting. Nice, but for only 4 hours. What? Not a night out on the town? 4 hours and she means it. Literally. I shouldn't be greedy I know, but by the time we get out of the house and to where we would want to go 45 minutes are gone and 45 minutes back home. There goes 1 1/2 hours. Also, part of my frustration is that the last time we went on a date at night(we did get a lunch date a couple months ago) is December 30th!!! We seriously need to look into a babysitter or 2. My parents get off on the control.

White hair is popping out all over my head and I will have to wait for another 2 weeks to see Mauricio my favorite hair stylist in the world. The wait is going to be agony for me and anyone who is looking at my hair!

My husband never does laundry. Okay, I take it back. He has done towels on occasion. So, why on the day that I put some delicates in cool water so they don't shrink.....he decides to put them in the DRYER? I can't stay mad at him, he was trying to help, but man there went about $150. Frustrating!

My parents are considering moving and I couldn't be happier. It is not as if we see them all that much, but here is the kicker. My grandmother will still be here. Which will leave me to all those responsibilities added to my newly widowed, disabled mil, and my little family. I love my grandma, but I don't know if I am going to be able to stretch myself this much. UGH!

Wow, that felt good. It is so great to have an apartment to run off to!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


My cousin and her 5 year old daughter are arriving tomorrow and my house is a wreck!!!! No, seriously, it is. Why do I wait to last minute?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008's a surprise.

We are heading to Disneyland for a long weekend. Wish me luck with 4 kids in the car for a realllly long time. Thank God for headphones!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

High School all over again....

My daughter attends kindergarten at our neighborhood school. A school that my eldest attended for 7 years(preschool included). So, it is safe to say that I am comfortable there and that most of the office staff and teachers know me. With my oldest I was VP of the PTO and could really help out whenever I was needed until my kindergartener was born. I still helped out, but not as much. Then when my 3rd was born, I helped even less and here we are with the baby.....and I have been able to help out maybe once this year. BUT, I am there every day to drop off and pick up my 3rd from preschool and my 4th from kinder. So, how come parents who have known me for the past 7 years CANNOT say hello or do so just barely....WTF? If a stranger passing by says "Hello" to me, I answer. So, what is the deal that the mother who I have had a birthday parties, field trip rides, and playdates with their child cannot summon up any type of greeting? It's not just me, or is it?

***DISCLAIMER.....I take no responsibility for any posts I make for the next 7 days.....rational or irrational. PMS made me do it.(what I would do for a candy bar right now.....)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Can we talk?

My inlaws live a BLOCK away from us. My SIL goes to their house every day since she has been unemployed(another story for another time). A BLOCK away. She got married in 2005 and has no children yet, which has created a tremendous amount of jealousy mixed with a good dose of bitchiness. Oh, did I mention she is 45? 45 years old and acts like a naive 18 year old. Anyhow, she just recently moved back to this area. In September. We have yet to be invited to her home. Hello? It is May.... I have so much to write, but the little ones are climbing all over me. Just a question.....would you have at least stopped by once....once to see your nieces and nephews? Even if you are so overcome with hatred for your SIL because she has children and you don't? Would you act like an adult and try to have a relationship with them? Would you surprise them with little gifts or phone calls or mail once in awhile and not only on Christmas and their birthday? Would you? Or am I just over-reacting?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hubby has a new job!

He just started his current job in February, but this was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He starts 5/19 and his last day is 5/2......Why can't I post this on my "nice" blog? Because I don't want my MIL and SIL to know. They would drive me crazy with my mil's special manipulative qualities..."My computer keeps giving me an error, I guess I will have to unplug it and CARRY it into Best Buy to see if they can fix it" Instead of just saying "Son, can you take a look at my computer, it isn't working right?" and my sil's general stupidity..."We have no money, we are having such a hard time.....oh, have you seen my new leased car?" Maybe should have titled this husband's crazy family. Guess I couldn't do that, I have my share of crazy on my side.

Anyhow, I am so excited for this new job. The company has flex time, so he will be getting every other Friday off. You have no idea how wonderful this will be this summer! The benefits are excellent and they close the entire place for the whole week of Christmas and New Years! And the best part......MORE MONEY!

I am so proud of him!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A new tenant...

FINALLY! somewhere to vent......I am new to the pink building and I can't wait to get started...