Friday, September 12, 2008


Enough already. I can't take much more of it. I need to vent about

*the sil who only cares about herself.
*the mil who has become so anal that I can't even bear to be around her..
*the same mil who only invites me over to clean her house.
*the same sil who STILL has not invited us or at least her only brother to her house since they moved here a year ago.
*my mother who is so infuriating that I want to scream. Head games are forever going on with her. One day she is trying to have a somewhat normal(whatever that really means) mother/daughter relationship and the next she has a huge brick wall wedged between us. I don't get it.
*my father who doesn't care one way or another what is going on in our lives. Just keep those Sunday visits to a total of 20 minutes and all is right in the world.
*my bil of the same sil who does not offer to help his mil do ANYTHING.
*my grandmother who doesn't call and then when you do, she lets you know that she hasn't talked to anyone in 4 days. Talk about a guilt trip. She is capable of driving, she goes to a women's group at church, she plays cards with a group of women. She can come visit us. UGH!
*my other grandmother who lives on the other side of the country, who won't tell you when she is ill and you have to find out from other family relatives cause she is so stubborn.
*my neighbor across the street asking to borrow $20 and then calls you to tell you that she hasn't forgotten about me, but can she borrow $20 more. I turn her down and a week later she calls to say that she has my cash, but when I sent over my son to get it...she tells him all she has is a check and I need to take her to cash it???? That was a month ago. She borrowed money from each of the neighbors, about $120 all together. Stupid girl. Does she think I don't know why she keeps asking for more in $20 increments? Can you guess what it probably was for? How sad. Now, if she really needs help for something one will help her. And she never paid anyone back. Pisses me off.
*the little girls at my daughter's school. The 1st day of school, they let her know that they can only have 6 best friends and she was number 7. They can still be friends, but she won't ever be there best friend. What the hell? Like starting a new grade isn't hard enough, but to be told that on her first day, that just sucked. It makes me sick that these little girls are already learning to be so cruel to someone.
*if you are in the store and an adorable 2 year old says hello to it really so hard to say hello back? Really? Okay what if you are in a store and an unattractive 2 year old says hello to it really so hard to say hello back? The rudeness is really getting to me people!

THANks for letting me vent. It may seem trivial, but to me it is driving me crazy. So thanks for listening pink apt neighbors!


Constance the 14,000th said...

how frustrating! are you sure we don't have the same family? they sure do sound the same to me!

hang in there. i know you always make the best of a sitch, but how do you do it?

Constance65 said...

Chocolate & liquor of course!

Cristina Mathers said...

in that case try 1 oz vodka, 1 oz Kahlua, squeeze of chocolate sauce and splash of milk. shake over ice and enjoy! it's what we call our happy-thekidsarefinallyinbed drink!